Dear BCSIS Families-
The lantern walk was a beautiful experience for teachers, staff, parents, students and siblings.
Here are some of tasks that were done in order to create this magical evening:
Lanterns were made by teachers, students and parents in each class.
Volunteers arrived at least an hour before the start of the program to set up the stage.
The sound system was set up and tested.
Families brought pumpkins and gourds, fresh flowers and broom corn for the stage.
One parent delivered 8 bales of straw to the gym that night.
The bales were covered with silks from the kindergarten room and the stage was arranged.
Batya Greenwald told a wonderful story and Jan May led us in song.
Parents brought extra jackets, mittens, hats, and lighters for the candles in the lanterns.
We all walked in complete silence around the school and then gathered to sing at the end of our walk. Finally, we left in silence again, carrying our light out into the world.
Oops! Let's not forget to mention the behind-the-scenes clean up activities that went on...
Phil swept up loose straw. (Perhaps an improvement for next year would be to put down tarps under the straw bales.)